The house administration consists of the Study Inspector (Studieninspektor), the Ephorus*Ephora and the Seniorat.
Study Inspector
The study inspector is the contact person for the residents in the house. He*she is available to us duty holders for advice and also offers residents a space for confidential conversations.
Together, the student inspector and the Seniorat regulate the daily business of the house and decide, for example, on move-ins and move-outs.
Daniel Rossa
Daniel Rossa works as a research associate at the University of Marburg and succeeded Jana Puschke in the position of the study inspector in 2023.
He studied Protestant theology in Marburg and Nottingham. Following his graduation as a Mag. theol. in 2014 and his curacy at the Protestant Church of Westphalia, he does his PhD studies in Bonn since early 2017. He lives in Mehlem.
Office hours: Monday, 5-6 p.m. during the time between terms and by arrangement
E-mail: see contact
Further information: see the university website

The Ephorus*Ephora, originally the head of a seminary, is the academic head of the house. He*She is a professor of the Faculty of Protestant Theology and represents the connection to the university. In addition to his or her commitment in the house committee, he or she is available for the supervision and counselling of students.
Prof. Dr. Hermut Löhr

Currently, Prof. Dr. Hermut Löhr is our ephorus, researching and teaching on the New Testament and Ancient Judaism in Bonn.
Prof. Dr. Hermut Löhr
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Abteilung für Neues Testament
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Telephone: 0228 73 76 61
E-Mail: see contact.
The Seniorat consists of three people and is responsible for decisions regarding the house and its residents between the conventions. As the elected head of the students’ self-government, it decides on all questions concerning the Goebenstift in cooperation with the study inspector. It represents the residents vis-à-vis the association, organises all rent-related matters and keeps track of the duties and their tasks. Furthermore, it organises the big events in the house and keeps an eye on our house treasury.